Content Manager 23.4 has some exciting enhancements in the areas of rendition, redaction, annotation, and viewing with OpenText Brava and Blazon technology.
Here's some of the new features you can look forward to in CM23.4:
Private channels
Support for private Teams channels has been included, enabling members of the private channel to capture content into Content Manager.
Capturing post subject line
When capturing posts from Teams into Content Manager the post subject line is automatically populated as the record title, if no subject is present the body is used.
Enhanced drag and drop
Users can drag and drop single or multiple documents onto the record list area, to a particular container or to a Category/Classification for quick and easy filing.
Resizing column headers
The new 'resize columns to fit' option allows you to adjust the column width to fit the length of the column title.
Verify and restore compression
Users can now select the Verify And Restore Compression option to verify and restore a record so it isn't compressed multiple times between document stores. This enables users to successfully preview the electronic document attached to those records.
Auto redaction
The newly added OpenText Brava provides an option, Redact Using Scripts, that allows you to run a command to find and redact specified phrases and sections of a document in one action, through the use of redaction scripts.
Redacting privacy information
The Redact Privacy Info options finds and redacts sensitive information commonly found in documents and forms including Phone numbers, Email addresses, Date of birth, and names
Search text highlighting
The Term Hit option in the Search Text function allows you to enable or disable the highlighting mode for viewing text patterns found in the document or OCR text. When selected, all the matching results are highlighted in yellow.
The complete list of enhancements and new features can be found in the Content Manager 23.4 release notes here.
Get in touch with us to start planning your upgrade to the latest version of Content Manager.