We can develop comprehensive training materials to support your organisation's success. Our innovative training materials are designed to empower your team with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively utilise Content Manager, InMailX and FYB Software.
We work closely with your organisation to determine the most effective training materials needed for your team. Our goal is to ensure that every individual is equipped with the knowledge and skills to complete their day to day tasks across Content Manager, InMailX and FYB Software. FYB can develop User Manuals, Quick Reference Guides and short Online Learning Modules for your staff.
Please click brochure link below for a Quick Reference Guide example which we can tailor to your organisation:
Our user manuals cover various topics, from administrator functionality to end user functionality. These comprehensive manuals provide step-by-step instructions, ensuring your team is equipped to navigate and maximise the potential of Content Manager, InMailX and FYB Software confidently.
Sometimes you need information at your fingertips. Our quick reference guides offer concise and easy-to-follow instructions for immediate reference. You can choose between static guides or ones enriched with gifs, depending on your preference and specific requirements.
To cater to different learning styles, we offer engaging online learning modules. These bite-sized modules are perfect for busy schedules and can be seamlessly integrated into your organisation's Learning Management System (LMS). If desired, we can even include quizzes to reinforce learning outcomes.
Explore how our exceptional training materials can empower your team, enhance productivity, and elevate your organisation's information governance practices.